iron sharpens iron

Sharpening The Iron

It’s that time of year – working through a range of industry training to keep those synapses fresh & sharp. As iron sharpens iron. Our team members have recently completed training in the below subject – along with ongoing attendance to a range of industry events, panel talks, business leadership events & in person specialist…

What are best video sizes for Social Media?

Thanks to some amazing people out there – the answers to the latest Instagram & social video specifications are just a few key strokes away. Having the right resolution will help maximise your screen real estate, your engagement & increase the chase of your message cutting through. We mainly use:   A. Instagram square which…


360 / VR Video Best Practise & Analytics.

We recently did a live stream talking about some 360 / VR video best practise. From directing peoples attention with titles, to setting the first view screen, to optimising the video for views & some 360 analytics. View the video link above & feel free to get in touch with any 360 / VR video…