iron sharpens iron

Sharpening The Iron

It’s that time of year – working through a range of industry training to keep those synapses fresh & sharp. As iron sharpens iron. Our team members have recently completed training in the below subject – along with ongoing attendance to a range of industry events, panel talks, business leadership events & in person specialist…


What are best video sizes for Social Media?

Thanks to some amazing people out there – the answers to the latest Instagram & social video specifications are just a few key strokes away. Having the right resolution will help maximise your screen real estate, your engagement & increase the chase of your message cutting through. We mainly use:   A. Instagram square which…


Airbnb Belo International Award Winners

A dear friend & client of ours flew us to Los Angeles to attend the Airbnb International Belo Awards with them where they accepted the Airbnb Places award for Best Place (so blessed). The video of our trip of the trip & some highlights of them winning the international Airbnb Belo Award for Best Place (As…
